Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2009

Poptropica cheats, secrets & hints

Rabbot ears:

Go to the processing room. Get stuck in the trap door at the far right of the
room (do this by clicking enter on the door)You will be in the metal room. Go
down the conveyor belt and jump on the pipes you see there then jump up on the
platform and get the ears.

Catch Crusher:

Crusher should be standing on a car and beside the car is a crane climb up the
yellow thingy and there's the crane. Click the levers and turn the magnet off.
Than come down and climb up to the crane again and turn the magnet on. Then click
on Crusher to handcuff him (go to the scientist to get hand cuffs).

Speeding Spike:

Lead him to the wet spot. Where to find Ratman: Go to the park and go inside the
bathroom and go inside the sewer and use the circle thingys to drain the water and
undrain them with the circle thingys and stay on the left of the sewer and enter
the door.

Time tangled Island:

1.da vinci's notebook is at the time where statue of liberty is built.
2.the small model of the statue is on the top of mount everest.
3.Edmund's goggle are in the aztec time.
4.the phonograph is on the top of the treasury in the acient greece or delphi.
5.ther is two people u hav to talk to. beacuz u hav to talk to a chinese to hav
the amulet and u hav to talk to a person who live in the Mali empire to get
the decleration.
6.on the chimney of a house, the sun stone piece is on top.
7.on lewis and clark's time, u will c a tree ther without leaves climb on it to
the very top even if u will not c a thing ther, that it looks like a choped
down tree on top, stand on top of it and u will hav the stone bowl.
8.the peace medal is in leonardo da vinci's time. every place or time, ther is some thing lost and u will find a thing ther.

Bettey Jettey:

When ur flying around above the skyscraper she will shoot green orb type things
at you avoid them because you can only take 5 hits and when you get hit you fall
back some you get closer by avoiding the orbs she'll slow down when she shoot a
you remeber only 5 hits.

Catch Betty Jetty on poptropica:

First you've got to defeat all the other villains then answer the payphone and
the retired superhero will make you fly then go to the top of the skyscraper and
you will see betty jetty she will fly up fly after her and chase her watch out for
those things she throws down you should soon catch up with her and she will fall
then ned will come and knock her out asnd hey presto you've caught betty jetty.
Also try and meet me i am called nice bubbles and have brown hair with a pink
flower in it i am wearing a blue and orange superhero costume i am nearly always
on poptropica so you don't need to worry about what time to see me thanks for

Copy Cat:

You need to move fast. to get all of her! this is where all the copy cats are one
is in top of the lamp in the upper left and then there one down, and then keep
going right find the two copy cats then go and click the up arrow then go to
elevator then catch all the other copy cats in the top floor.


To turn of the flying rabbot ears, go to the freezer and cut the wires with the
wire cutter in the security system.


The pig is in the under groundplace where there are spiders .take them to the robot

Neat sunglasess:

In time twisted island go to the top of the pendulum lab geat the glasess near
the arrow done.

Hints for Shark Tooth Island:

On shark tooth you need coconut milk to get it go to the man near the coconut shop,
the old bone is inside the temple to unlock the code go up the coconut tree and jump
you will see a paper pick it up then go inside then get to secert door and click on
the letters o p e n then go inside and just wonder around there is also the key
ingeteint then get out then get the grass shirt then go to the medicine man on top
of the coconut tree to get push the block up to the vine then go up and talk to him
but u have to wear the grass shirt then go to the bay and swim to the fishing man
and u see a cannon click on it then shoot anywhere then swim across then go the man
and talk to him then lead him and the boy back then u r done!


sharktooth island to beat shark tooth cheat if you have created more than 1 charictar,
and with 1 you have beaten shark tooth with 1, and you forget how to beat it with your
other charictar, go to your other charictar and look at the password to open the then
quit, and thengo to the one you did not finish and type the password.


This is a taco cheat to beat every island. First you have to make over 1,000 people.
Second they all have to have jet packs. Once you get it you beat every island and
have full battle stars.

How to catch the cat:

First go to the old house and you will find an empty bowl inside. take it too the
waitress at the carrot king caffe and she will fill it up with milk and take it to the
house and set it down. come back later and the cat is in the tub upstairs(you wont see
it). Turn on the water and green goop will start coming out, click the cat and run out
of the house. Take it too the woman who lost it.

Time twisted Island:

Phonograph: The phonograph is on top of the treasure building in the first age.

Peace Medal: it is on the bottom of Lenardo ( hint try visiting every age until
you get to lenardo workshop this way sign) place. i cant really discribe it.
After you get to the top platform, jump to the right platfor and it will be

Gold Vase: Get explosive's barrel under Great wall of china under guy who plays
memory. then go to vikings and go to the cave. blow the rocks up. Then get inside
and go right as fast and doge water. your torch will go down.
Hint: dont go down once you get in. get right and then jump to above rock platform.

Notebook: go to statue of liberty and get on top of the statue. then jump as high
as you can heading left and if you get to the highest platform then you have to
go down. a notepbook will be there.

Piece of sun: its on the top of Edison's workshop.

Amulet: talk to the man on the platform in china and he'll let you play a game.
If you win he'll give you the amulet.

Climbing goggles: find the old man warrior at the Aztec empire and he'll give a
mask to you. put it on, then go to the Aztec wearing the goggles.
He'll give them to you.

Beat Director:

So after you get through the teleporter and defeat the Hair-Bots, Director D will
move around in his big thing over the teleporter. When he just barely starts moving,
check your inventory, then click on a different page. When you close your inventory,
the page giving you a medal will be up.

Super power island:

-Go to the subway and speeding spike will be on the train.
-Make him keep on running after you until he slips on the puddle then you can get him.
-At city park there will be a villain.
-When he sends rocks at you jump on the head of the statue and jump overhim.
-The rocks will hit him.
-Next the ground will fly up, move the rock by the bathrooms to the statueand the ground.
will throw it up and hit him.
-Then get him.
-Next go into the bathroom and go into the sewer.
-When your in the sewer there will be a handle.
-Click it. The water will go down.
-Go to the right and click the handle there.
-The water will go up.
-Then when it goes upchuck the handle in the middle and i will go up again and if you go
to the left there will be a door and a handle. Go into the door. Another villain will be
there. Watch out for the ratsjump on the first pipe.
-Then jump on the building. Jump on the pipe thats like on the building,and jump on the
one at your top left,then the one on you right. You should see a handle, click it then
bees will come after you so hurry and get the guy.
-Next go to the telephone booth and click the phone. You will get the fly ability.
-Go to the condemned building down town and fly up it. The last villain will be there.
-Fly after her.
-Dodge her attacks and hit her when you can.
-She will fall and you can get her (after the totally unexpected cut seen).
-Get a hot dog from city park.
-Give it to noodle ned and you get the medal.

Beat crusher go to the junkyard:

Submitted by: cheatsbook
-jump on the tires then oil cans to get to him.
-next jump on the yellow tower which is a magnet crane.
-then drag the green/red switch to the red side.
-it will drop a refrigerator but he doesnt die.
-watch out for oil cans cause hes throwing them at you but its easy.
-go to the magnet tower again and drag the switch to green.
-it will lift the hood of the car he is standing on and he gets hurt.
-hurry and run to him and click on him and you will cuff him up.
-to get the cuffs go to the island at the left and talk to the lady scientist.

24 Carrot Island:

go to the farm go on the roof and click go down and find the bowl get out of the farm and
go to the diner ask the woman to fill the bowl with milk then go back to the farm and set
the bowl down then go upstairs and turn any knob and the cat will hop out then chase the
cat down stairs and let it lap of the milk then it will follow you go to the surplus then
give the woman her cat back then go to the factory and go in the toxic water and you will
use the crowbar the woman gave you to and you will go into a tunnel you will see a gigantic
rat up on the ceiling there will be a crawl space for you to wait as the rat crawls past.

How to find the missing spys:

When you go to the spy glass shop ask the owner for an eye exsam. When he points at it
do it opisate then he will give you an invisable suit so in the docks you can get past
the bad ninjas!

Turn invisible:

Go to the eye shop and ask the person for a eye test when your having one do the oposit
then go up stairs talk to her again and hey presto you have one.


Sstep on the bin outside the then go up the stair thinggys to the door click on the door
and go in. Then clik on the guy after he's given you the camoflarge suit go out towards
the docks. Stop at the guy in the bin and click on him then ask do you have anyhting for
listen to what he says then put on the camo suit and make it up to the doo r go up to the
door gto iin and get passed all the dogs rescue the guy and go signed super agent sophie.


Change skin color:go 2 early poptropica then go 2 poptropica towers talk 2 the balloon
person then click on a balloon (your choice).


When u r at the main menu you go to return player. For the user type "poppertop" and
for the password type "jokernut" when u enter the game u will finish every thing have
every thing and be able to do every thing.

spy island:

you go to the spy glass shop and you ask for a eye exam then when he points to e you
click the other e than dr.spy glass will say you want to go up stairs then you go out
side and you go to the door and you talk to him and he will give you a suite.

B.A.D.'s bosses fingerprint:

Pass the test for the chef, then talk to the boss then go up the vent in the
kitchen, and jump on the lights to get past the boss.

Poptropica, spy island, dr.spyglass:

Talk to dr.spyglass and get an eye exam. when the chart comes up and he asks you to
identify the different letter "e"'s, choose the one that is facing the oppisite direction
to the one he asked you to identify. if this doesn't make any sense now, it will when
you play :)


When you want to do 1 specific thing by clicking and clicking over and over you do
that thing and while your pressing the left mouse key you also at the same time press
the right mouse key.


how to beat director D. all u have to do is after u beat the robots you get on top
of his space ship thing and he will ram his space ship thing on top of the ceiling.
Do this 3 or 4 times and he will blow up. then u get the medal for spy island.


2 catch Copy Cat on superpower island, u need to get the ones one the bottom, then get
the ones on the top floor.


When you get on the rooftops use youre bowtie and grapple on to a platform on the
top right.

24 carrot:

1:go to the farm house and grab the empty Bowl.
2:then take it to the dinner and get it filled up.
3:take it bake to the farm huse and then turn on the bath make the cat go down stairs.
4:After its drunk it take it to the lady in the repare shop she will give you something.
5:go to the factory and click on the door you will open it.
6:at the first part turn everything on grap on to the hook and swing this way > and go
throw the hatch.
7:then go to each room and trick the people in to looking the other way.
8:if you get capchured cut the wires in the ice room then go to the printer room and
fall throw the hatch youll find the bunny ears in there.
9:Then come out and go in the worker only zone Then dr.Bunny will tell you to put the
password in (fuzzybunny)and then use the conrols to make him crash into rocks. Then
follow the other guy back and go to the mair.

How to find the missing spys:

first go to spyglass eyewear and click the e that points in the opposite direction. once
you get the suit upstairs go to the docks and keep jumping on ledges until you get to the
roof with the ninjas. get past them, then dodge the dogs inside along with the door guard
then go to the big safe and jump on it then go inside and untie the spy. then go to balding
ave., then toupee terrance and jump on the house that electricutes you. it's easy once u get
the hang of it. thenonce ur on the roof use ur laser pen to burn through the bars and untie
the spy. then go to the bad bistro and pass the test for a chef then talk to the big b.a.d.
boss and get his cup then go into the kitchen and up the vent on the roof then jump on the
lamps then get outside. go over to the building where the spy says u need more then srong
legs to make the jump use ur bowtie and go to the rooftop. dodge the guard and make it to
the antennae and use ur bowtie to get to the other antennae and enter. go to the cherry bomb
tree activate it push it to the pansies ans it will rise up to the next platform. keep doing
this until you get it to the spys cage put the bomb uder the lock and let it explode. After
you get the spy put on the vision goggles then to the bad control center in toupee terrace
and get past the lasers until you get to the door then scan the fingerprint and enter and
dodge the lasers again. once u get 2 the system type in "laser" press enter "hair" press
enter "removal" press enter. you will teleport with director D then when those mini bots
come out to attack you go to those platforms with the ball then let it electricute u. there
are 2 platforms at bottom and 2 at the top. once you defeat the minibots D will attack u
when he comes down get under the vehicle then jump on his roof and dont move until it
crashes. Repeat this process until it breaks and then you beat the game of spy island.

Funny glasses:

In the bathroom of poptropica go down the sewer and drain the water down and look
around at the bottom and you shoud find the glasses.

For even more cheats & hints go here (Source):

Walkthrough guide:
